Filtering data in React Leaflet Basic

Tesa Muliawati
Jun 25, 2021

Leaflet part 3 displaying and filtering pop-up data

I wanna show you how to filter data based on the tesla API that I used before. Open the App.js file and write this code.

And don’t forget to add the CSS in App.css.

So if you run the project with look like this.

The map only shows locations around the UK because we added a filter for the UK region. Before we add a filter, the map shows all locations without a specific location.

Next, we want to make the Pop-up for the detailed location or whatever you want to show for the detailed map information. We just need to make some minor changes to the App.js file.

And here it is if we run the project

If we clicked the Pop up will show the detailed information of the location.

